Covid 19 has changed everything
Let us recreate together a safer & happier world
In news headlines everywhere we hear that, for now, Covid 19 is changing how we live and what we do. Yet we still are to define ourselves what we want that 'new normal' to be. This is certainly true for those of us who work in the cleaning industry. LodgEx Solutions has been cleaning for over a decade during which we have refined our industry leading standards to make us best in class.
Our clients want homes and places of work where they will feel safe, confident in the knowledge that all surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned. Both clients and staff want to feel safe as they come into contact with each other. LodgEx Solutions wants to give you that assurance, and we will use all of the experience and knowledge at our disposal to do so.
Our staff stand ready to provide high quality cleaning services whilst ensuring social distancing and strictly following government guidelines.
Many of our clients are requesting regular and one-off cleans to ensure that all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned especially contact surfaces such as desks, phones, computers, door handles, kitchen areas and toilets.
Please contact us and let us know what your requirements are. We are happy to discuss them with you.